Quality Certification to INTRACOM Defense Electronics for NATO program

The Production Readiness Review and the First Article Inspection in the context of Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM) surface-to-air missile program, which took place at INTRACOM Defense Electronics premises on October 8th and 9th by a committee of Diehl BGT Defense (DBD), RAM-System (RAMSYS) and Raytheon companies as well as NATO ESSM Program Office (NSPO), were successfully concluded.

INTRACOM Defense Electronics participates since 1995 in the NATO multinational research, development and production program, in which 12 countries participate, with projects for the development and design of the missile’ s telemetry section. Moreover, in the current phase of series production, the company has undertaken the production of electronic units for the missile steering system. The project, whose expected duration is beyond 2010, constitutes a significant milestone for the company’ s international activity and its effective participation in cooperations with prominent groups of the defense industry worldwide.

During the two-day visit, the committee was guided through the company factories and conducted relevant inspections. Upon their completion, INTRACOM Defense Electronics was certified for the excellent program management organization, the advanced production capabilities and high-level technology incorporation capabilities as well as the dedicated implementation of quality management systems.

RAYTHEON representative, Mr. David Maher, stated: “We have obtained excellent impressions of INTRACOM Defense Electronics’ organization and production capabilities. The company’ s know-how and expert human resources constitute guarantees for the completion and extension of the project undertaken within the context of ESSM program”.

INTRACOM Defense Electronics’ CEO, Mr. George Troullinos stated: “INTRACOM Defense Electronics’ participation in such a large-scale and successful program of international cooperative effort, distinguishes our accumulated experience in electronic systems of high technological level and contributes to the growth dynamics of our company and consequently of the local industry”.

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