Military vehicle electric power & environmental control are critical operational capabilities in the modern warfare and security environment. Armoured vehicles for command, control and communication (C3) purposes, such as the popular M577 variant, play an increasingly critical role in establishing information exchange links, enhancing situational awareness for commanders, troops and other capability assets (i.e. self-propelled howitzers).
The deployment of such capability is based on advanced electronic systems, demanding reliable and efficient on-board electric power for extended mission duration, with the main vehicle engine turned off and robust environmental control – the latter being also an important factor for mission sustainment with reference to personnel endurance.
Furthermore, forward operating high-value assets, C3 platforms and howitzers, such as the M109 variants, must avoid detection by eliminating aural and thermal traces, while maintaining a high-level of battle readiness and full operational capability.
Military vehicle electric power and environmental controlconventional approaches offer a separate Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), providing electric power with the main vehicle engine turned-off and a separate Environmental Control Unit (ECU). These legacy units usually consist of large system volumes, while auxiliary power is provided only while the APU is running, introducing at all times a continuous aural & thermal trace, poor fuel efficiency and frequent maintenance.
To address the expanding capability requirements for vehicle operations and the shortcomings of the available conventional approaches, IDE has developed an advanced military vehicle system – the Hybrid GENAIRCON – based on its innovative HEPS product series, to provide efficient and uninterruptible auxiliary electric power, with advanced environmental control (Heating, Cooling, Ventilation).
GENAIRCON integrates best-in-class hybrid APU and ECU design with advanced energy storage, under a user-friendly central Control Unit. Vehicle electronics and electrically operated mechanisms (i.e. howitzer turret) can be powered from the on-board Energy Storage System, performing a true Silent Watch and achieving a unique tactical advantage.
GENAIRCON can also provide an external power output connection, thus transforming the GENAIRCON equipped vehicles into electric energy “hubs” for other platforms and external equipment.
The GENAIRCON system is a scalable and platform customizable integrated solution, conforming to multiple MIL-STD requirements, for applications that require:
- Mobile Power Reliability under a wide range of environments
- True Silent Watch with full operational capability
- Environmental control for sensitive equipment and personnel comfort
- Fuel Efficiency and increased vehicle Autonomy
- Reduced Maintenance requirements and Lifecycle Cost