INTRACOM DEFENSE’s C2C combines and fuses data from various sensors and support systems (electro-optical sensors, radars fence / ground sensors as well as geographic information) and, in combination with secure wireless communications, provides a unified operational picture.
It also offers automated processes and tools for detecting, identifying and classifying, threats and incidents, as well as analyzing and disseminating all relevant information. IDE’s C2C allows intelligence collection and analysis, video management, knowledge management, incident tracking and management, asset and resources management.
It combines the best features of the land and maritime platforms as critical infrastructure is demanding in terms of mixed environment with prediction necessities over the potential suspicious threat intrusion.
The benefit of IDE’s C2C is the capability to evaluate once and preserve the same suspicious target or intrusion thread over multiple sensors and intrusion rule based configurations schemes as this is a key feature of IDE’s C2C for accurate, real time COP synthesis. Such environments include Oil Refineries, Oil Rigs, Electric Power Facilities, Water Facilities, and Nuclear Facilities, Airport and Port Facilities, Warehouse Facilities Military Bases and many similar.