The Future of Tactical Power Solutions
Marshall and IDE are dedicated to delivering cost-effective, efficient, resilient and
environmentally sustainable solutions that address the challenges of current and
future operations.
Our Solution
Recognising electric power provision as a critical capability in the modern military and security environment, Marshall and INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) have committed to a joint development effort for flexible and scalable energy solutions, ranging from stand-alone products to comprehensive microgrid applications and customised solutions.
Marshall and IDE are dedicated to delivering cost-effective, efficient, resilient and environmentally sustainable solutions that address the challenges of current and future operations.
This combined approach provides power, system integration and support to enhance performance and operational capability across the future Defence and Security spectrum using innovative solutions and reducing the climatic impact in line with Net-zero 2050.
Life Cycle Cost reduction up to 70%
Marshall and IDE are industry-leaders in their field with proven track record
Hybrid Electric Power Systems HEPS®
provide embedded redundancy and 6x
longer maintenance intervals compared to conventional generators
Life Cycle Cost reduction up to 70%