February 08, 2010: During the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Aerospace and Defense Industries Group (HASDIG) on February 1st, Mr. George Troullinos was elected as the new Chairman, so the Board of Directors was re-formed as follows:
Chairman, Mr. George Troullinos, INTRACOM DEFENSE ELECTRONICS, General Secretary Mr. Fotios Spyrakos, HELLENIC VEHICLE INDUSTRY, Vice Chairman Mr. Konstantinos Koutsos, MILTECH HELLAS and Treasurer, Mr. Alexandros Kantzis MIKRON.
Members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Kyriakos Gerambinis, THALES HELLAS, Mr. Nikolaos Katsaros, ELEFSIS SHIPYARDS, Mr. Nikolaos Kioleides, N. KIOLEIDES, Mr. Ioannis Manolemis, HELLENIC SHIPYARDS, Mr. Anastasios Philippakos, HELLENIC AEROSPACE INDUSTRY, Mr. Dimitrios Sarris, EADS 3 SIGMA and Mr. Yiannis Sevdalis, DIEHL HELLAS.
Members of HASDIG are the largest public and private local defense industries. The aim of the Group is the strong and effective representation of its members to all institutional bodies, the governmental and international authorities in the areas of aerospace, defense and security. HASDIG is a member – national representative with regular attendance in the Board of Directors of the AeroSpace and Defense Industries Association of Europe (ASD). ASD represents the industries of Aerospace and Defense sector in the contacts and cooperation with European Defense Agency (EDA), as well as other institutional bodies and organizations with pan-European range and action.