INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) was evaluated for the 2nd consecutive year, among the three (3) most dynamic companies in the “Research and Innovation” category of “Growth Awards 2022”.
IDE was recognized as a “Growth Driver” in “Research and Innovation” for its outstanding performance which demonstrates the company’s steady progress, being a legacy for even higher achievements in the future.
The “Growth Awards”, which are jointly organized by Eurobank and Grant Thornton, constitute an initiative with the aim of featuring the companies with significant contribution to the creation of a new business environment in Greece, with dynamic growth, research & innovation, extroversion, digital evolution, adoption of a modern ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) approach and start-up entrepreneurship. The 6th awards ceremony took place in the Peristyle of the Zappeion Megaron on Tuesday, November 1st, 2022.
The selection of the winners is made by gathering information from published financial statements, of more than 8.000 companies operating in Greece, based on key-financial indicators and quality characteristics.
The 20-member Awards Committee is jointly presided by Mr. Georgios Zanias, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eurobank S.A. and Mr. Vassilis Kazas, CEO of Grant Thornton, while leading personalities of Greece’s corporate and academia world participate as members.