On July 5th, 2021, the Ministry of National Defense and Intracom Defense – IDE, coordinator of the projects for the Drone LOTUS – Low Observable Tactical Unmanned Air System and the SMOTANET System – Software Defined Mobile Ad-Hoc Tactical Network, signed the contracts for the respective development programs. The Ministry of National Defense was represented by the General Director of the General Directorate for Defense Investments and Armaments (GDDIA), Mr. Aristeidis Alexopoulos, and IDE by Mr. George Troullinos, CEO of the company.
Upon the finalisation of the agreements, Mr. Troullinos stated that “On the occasion of the signing of the contracts for the LOTUS and SMOTANET projects with the Ministry of National Defense, I would like to thank the staff of the Directorate of Defense Investments and Technological Research of GDDIA, for their contribution to the definition of the operational requirements of the projects, in the context of the Hellenic MoD’s role as Project Manager, and for their strong support. These two programs, which are an example of European innovation, are expected to offer a force multiplier to the Greek Armed Forces, which are called to operate in a complex geographical environment with special requirements for their mission effectiveness”.