ODIN’S EYE (“multinatiOnal Development INitiative for a Space-based missilE earlY-warning architecturE”) is one of the 26 selected projects for funding by the European Commission, in the frame of the European Defense Industrial Development Program 2020 (EDIDP 2020). ODIN’s EYE targets the development of an autonomous European Space Based Missile Early Warning (SBMEW) system, to create situational threat awareness against ballistic and novel hypersonic threats.
OHB System AG, a subsidiary of space and technology group OHB SE, leads the consortium of this space surveillance and early warning project. The ODIN’s EYE consortium consists of 34 partners from 12 EU Member States, with the support, among others, of the Hellenic Ministry of Defense.
INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) and OHB Hellas are valuable partners of ODIN’s EYE consortium as they contribute with state-of-the-art technologies in Secure Communications and Cybersecurity frameworks (IDE) and On-Board Data Processing for satellites (OHB Hellas), applicable in the demanding field of the critical satellite systems.
This marks the first presence of Greek industries in a European Space Defence project under the EDIDP framework.