IDE in NATO’s “Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Applications” Conference & Exhibition in Lithuania

IDE (INTRACOM Defense Electronics) participated in the Conference and Industrial Exhibition “Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Applications” (IESMA 2018) on 14-16th November 2018 in Vilnius, Lithuania.  The event, organized by the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) every two years, brings together NATO Government and Military experts with Industry, specializing in innovative energy systems to improve energy sustainability and efficiency in the military operations, aiming to achieve tactical advantages in relation to energy.

IDE’s exhibition stand was visited by the Vice Minister of National Defense of Lithuania H.E. Mr. Umbrasas, the Ambassador of Greece to Lithuania H.E. Mrs. Dicopoulou, and the Director of NATO ENSEC COE Col. Petkevičius.


During the Conference, IDE presented the performance achievements of its Hybrid Electric Power Systems (HEPS) product family, specifically the Hybrid Generator systems (HG-Series) for deployment with mobile tactical forces and the Hybrid GENAIRCON, an innovative power supply and management system for high-value, operation vehicles.

At its stand, IDE presented its advanced 3-phase tactical Hybrid Generator HGT20K series, a complete Energy Hub suitable for sustaining mission endurance with its remarkable fuel efficiency, long maintenance intervals and interoperability for different applications. The demonstrated system was delivered to the IESMA exhibition directly after its field use in the NATO “Trident Juncture 2018” exercise in Norway. HGT20K generated significant interest during the exhibition and was demonstrated to numerous NATO military officials.

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