INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) signed a grant agreement of 3.9 million Euros with the European Commission for the SMOTANET (“Software Defined Mobile Ad-Hoc Tactical Networks”) program following the conclusion of a competitive evaluation process. The program targets the development of an advanced communications management system, for use in tactical communications on-the-move.
In the framework of the European Defense Industrial Development Program (EDIDP), SMOTANET will increase the communications effectivity of “network-centric operations”, enabling the interoperability of different MANET networks, so that military units can dynamically exchange tactical information with security and speed, within optimally managed communication networks.
The CEO of IDE, Dr. George Troullinos, stated that: “SMOTANET is a European innovation that combines three cutting-edge technologies and aims to fill an operational gap, enhancing significantly the situation awareness in real-time, as well as facilitating more effectively the communications in joint operations. It is expected to increase the capability of the Armed Forces to operate in intricate geographical environments, which impose special requirements for the effectivity of communications”.
IDE leads the SMOTANET consortium, in cooperation with partners from Greece (GridNet, AUEB), Cyprus (SignalGenerix) and Poland (iTTi), and with the support of the Ministries of Defense of Greece and Cyprus.