INTRACOM Defense Electronics participated in the “THORAX 2007” international conference, held on Zappion Megaron, from April 24 – 25. The conference focused on Hellenic Army’s approved armaments procurement and modernization programs, within the frame of the unified armaments plan (ΕΜΠΑΕ), in relation to the Hellenic Army industry perspectives.
During the conference, INTRACOM Defense Electronics announced the signing of a Manufacturing License Agreement (MLA) with RAYTHEON. The ten-year agreement refers to the production of subsystems of the PATRIOT long range air defense system for exports. The first orders by NAMSA (NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency) have already been received.
Mr. George Troullinos, CEO of INTRACOM Defense Electronics, gave a speech about the “Network-Centric Communications of the Hellenic Army.” Mr. Troullinos presented integrated solutions based on products developed by INTRACOM Defense Electronics, in order to meet the Hellenic Army requirements on Network-Centric Warfare. Specifically, Mr. Troullinos presented the new generation digital telecommunication systems WISR and WLAN of IP technology, designed to provide voice and data services in a local short-range network and the wide-band long range tactical system WiWAN, which provides IP communication amongst different posts and levels of command. Mr. Troullinos referred also to the mobile, autonomous and transportable satellite communication system VSAT “CRONOS”, which exploits the capabilities of the Hellenic satellite HellasSat as well as the wide range of SECLINE cryptographic equipment for voice, data and IP networks applications. Mr. Troullinos emphasized that these products resulted from the significant investments of the company in research, design and development. INTRACOM Defense Electronics is currently in a leading position in the Greek market, strengthening at the same time its export activity.
Ambassadors, the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, officers of the Hellenic Army and the Ministry of Defense attended the conference together with companies that participate in the procurement programs of the Hellenic Army.