The long and successful cooperation in the defense field between INTRACOM Defense Electronics and NORTHROP GRUMMAN continues with two new agreements, worth 4 million US $.
The first agreement has duration of 12 months and is related to the production of the most recent version of electronic Radar modules for F-16 aircraft, for the international market. This cooperation follows the recent agreement regarding F-16 Block 52+ aircraft for the Hellenic Air Force.
The second agreement has duration of 16 months and refers to the production of Radar Warning Receiver electronics for the Self – Protection systems of the F-16 aircraft.
The above-mentioned agreements are within the framework of the cooperation between the two companies in radar and self-protection systems for programs of the Hellenic Ministry of National Defense, NATO, as well as the international market.
The new cooperation with NORTHROP GRUMMAN strengthens the important participation of INTRACOM Defense Electronics in development and production programs for airborne electronic systems and it is a significant achievement, as it demonstrates the company’s recognition by leading international manufacturers in the defense field. At the same time, this agreement is along the lines of our company’s strategy to effectively utilize Hellenic MOD procurement programs, capitalizing the conveyed know-how, in order to expand our export activities.