Press Releases


INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE), as the Coordinator of a cross-European consortium, signed a grant agreement for the first of its kind Special Operations Forces (SOF) Command Post and Command & Control System (SOFCPC2), to support EU-led SOF Small Joint Operations. 20 million Euros are funded by the European Defence Fund for the study, design, prototyping, and

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Five New EDF 2022 Projects for INTRACOM DEFENSE

Athens, Greece, October 3rd, 2023: According to the results announced by the European Commission (EC), all five (5) new projects in which Intracom Defense participates, were selected for funding within the framework of the European Defense Fund – EDF 2022: “DePloyable Special OpeRations Forces MulTiEnvironment CommAnd Post and C2 System (SOFCPC2)” – PROTEAS “Future Air

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