June 05, 2008: The launch of NATO’s advanced surface–to-air Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) was successfully performed by the Hellenic Navy, at the NATO’s Missile Firing Installation in Crete, last monday. The launch, which took place for the first time in Greece, involved the destruction of a flying target, towed by a remotely controlled aircraft with the capability to record and evaluate the firing’s parameters.
NATO’ s ESSM missiles are equipped with the Telemetry System and Data Transmission System, which have been designed, developed and are manufactured by INTRACOM Defense Electronics entirely in Greece and are intended for the 12 participating nations in the multinational program, in which the company participates since 1995. Furthermore, following an international tender in 2007, the company was awarded the production of additional electronic units of the missile’s guidance section. The ESSM missile program, which incorporates leading-edge technologies, is scheduled to be completed after 2015 and constitutes a significant milestone for INTRACOM Defense Electronics’ international activity, as well as for its effective participation in cooperations with leading defense industries worldwide.