His Excellency Mr. Yosef Amrani, the Ambassador of Israel in Greece, visited the premises of INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) at Koropi, Athens, Greece. The CEO of IDE, Mr. George Troullinos, welcomed the Ambassador together with senior executives of the company.
The Ambassador was briefed on the opportunities to cooperate in projects in both countries, as well as in the international market.
IDE has recently signed a contract with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), the biggest and government owned defense company in Israel, to deliver its unique hybrid energy supply and management solution for military use. IDE is interested to expand its cooperation with Israeli industries in other developing programs and to this extent, the best methods and strategies were discussed, aiming to strengthen the defense cooperation between the two countries.
The Ambassador had also the opportunity to see the R&D facilities (IDE is investing 7% of its turnover in R&D), as well as production capabilities of the company, focusing on the outstanding potential of IDE which has driven the company’s exports to an average of 93% of its turnover during the last decade, mainly to Europe and the USA.