Press Releases

Participation of IDE in the 9th NATO Annual Conference at NMIOTC

IDE (INTRACOM Defense Electronics) participated in the 9th NATO Annual Conference, held at the NMIOTC’s (NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre) premises in Crete. The theme of this year’s conference was “Fostering Projection of Stability through Maritime Security: Achieving Enhanced Capabilities and Operational Effectiveness”. At the conference, the current maritime security challenges were presented and

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M109 True Silent Watch Capability Upgrade Successfully Fielded

IDE (INTRACOM Defense Electronics) delivered on time to the Hellenic Army the first M109 upgrades with Hybrid GENAIRCON, which demonstrated successful performance in live firings. IDE signed a contract with BAE Systems Land and Armaments in 2017, to integrate and commission Hybrid GENAIRCON Systems into M109 platforms of the Hellenic Armed Forces. The System is

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IDE System’s delivery for EU Border Surveillance

IDE (INTRACOM Defense Electronics) has completed the delivery to the Hellenic Police of a pre-frontier picture data exchange system between the National Border Control Coordination Center for Immigration and Asylum and the corresponding national coordination center of Bulgaria. The project was assigned to IDE following a bidding process of the Ministry of Interior. The project

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Indonesia chooses IDE’s iDEFENDER for Maritime Interdiction Operations

IDE (INTRACOM Defense Electronics) successfully implemented the “turnkey” delivery of the integrated system for support of the Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO). The system was delivered to the Indonesian Navy and is based on IDE’s security-surveillance solution, iDEFENDER. With the IDE’s system, the Indonesian Navy’s Western Fleet acquired capability for recognition/surveillance, command and control, as well as digital

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