Press Releases

INTRACOM Defense Electronics presented the Integrated Communication System for the new frigates of the Hellenic Navy during the international conference “Sea Dominance 2006“

 INTRACOM Defense Electronics participated as sponsor in the international conference “Sea Dominance 2006“, organized at Zappion Megaron from November 28-29. The objective of the conference was to present the shipbuilding program for the new frigates of the Hellenic Navy in relation to the future threats, as well as perspectives of the Hellenic shipbuilding and defense

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Contract between INTRACOM Defense Electronics and NATO

Following an international tender issued by NATO, on November 20 2006, INTRACOM Defense Electronics signed a 3-years contract with 2 more years renewal option with NAMSA (NATO Maintenance and Supply agency). NAMSA is responsible to assist NATO nations by organizing common procurement and supply of spare parts and arranging maintenance and repair services necessary for

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